Have You Taken Covid Treatments? – Self Educate
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Have You Taken Covid Treatments?


In recent months, the Biden administration has pointed to Covid therapeutics, including the antiviral pill Paxlovid, as a critical part of its strategy to fight the coronavirus pandemic, but there is some evidence that some Americans do not have easy access to the treatment or are not seeking it out.

The New York Times is interested in hearing from people about their experience of trying to get Paxlovid and other therapeutics (including monoclonal antibodies and Lagevrio) as well as from those who have avoided these treatments. Was it easy to get the pills? Did you run into barriers? Did you have trouble proving you were eligible for a treatment? Or did you avoid Paxlovid or other therapeutics for some reason?

Please answer the questions below. A Times reporter or editor may contact you to hear more about your story. We will not publish your name without your permission.


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